Welcome to Secondary School

Welcome to Secondary School

Introductory Activities

1.      Answer

1)     What is your preceptor’s name?
What is her function?
2)     Who is the headmistress in your school? and the vice director?
3)     Who are your teachers this year?
4)     Have you got any new classmates this year? Who?

2.      Talk with your classmates and complete the chart… Who do you have more things in common with?

Favourite colour

Favourite or lucky number

Favourite film or TV programme


Favourite music type

3.      Study and Organization Methods.

1)      Mention items to help you organize your homework and your daily tasks
2)      Mention some techniques that help you study.

Digital World

Do you surf the net? Do you use your phone for fun? Do you use it to study? (Develop). 

Which social networks do you use? 
Classify frequency of use of the following social networks: 

always - often - sometimes - hardly ever - never
Tic tic

Are they linked to your social life at school? How? Mention positive and negative effects of social networks on social life at school. 

Cleaning, coexistence and safety

Mention cleaning practices you carry on to maintain your our health and prevent diseases. Can you do them at school? What can we do to keep the classroom clean and safe?